The New Year can bring mixed emotions for a lot of people, and this is doubly true for those who are living with limb loss. Do you feel like you have nothing to be excited for as you adjust to your new normal? Or are you eager to regain hope, control, and take charge of your life? This year can be a happy, fulfilling, and productive one. Here are a few resolutions to help you get started on the right path.

Limb loss is a significant issue no matter what your age. Are children more resilient? Or are they more sensitive? Are they more inquisitive? Or more reserved? More fearful? More frustrated? More apprehensive?  It depends on the child, but if we can make one generalization, it is this: they will have questions. It is only natural. Children may be bold and demand answers or they may hang back, afraid of those answers. That does not mean that they don’t have questions weighing on their minds.

There is no wrong way for a child to cope with limb loss. As a parent, guardian, or caregiver, though, there are several right ways to respond. The first step is anticipating what types of questions they may ask.

When you are dealing with an injury, structural defect, or deformity of the lower leg, one of the biggest concerns is, “Will I be able to live a normal, healthy, active life? Will I be able to participate in the activities I love?” The answer: why not? You don’t have to let these issues stop you. While there are often accommodations that must be made (perhaps just in the beginning or perhaps continuing as you recover and gain strength), you can improve mobility with lower leg orthotic devices - and work towards your health, fitness, and lifestyle goals.

Becoming an amputee is one of the most challenging things someone could possibly experience. It is a process for which few would plan. Whether you are an adult adjusting to this new phase of life, or you are a parent trying to figure out how to provide your child with the most about of support possible, you probably have a lot of questions. Fortunately, there are more resources than ever for answering your questions.

In this guide, we are discussing five of the most common questions we have heard in our sixty years of providing amputees with prosthetic limbs:

  1. Will I experience phantom limb pain?
  2. Does getting a prosthetic hurt?
  3. What will be my biggest challenges?
  4. How long will it take to get back to normal?
  5. Where can I find ongoing support?

If this does not answer all of your questions, please contact us. We will be happy to help you any way we can, especially through the process of being fitted for your artificial limb.